Where Are You?
Understand Your Current Stage, Plan for the Future, and Achieve Financial Freedom.
Where Are You in Your Financial Journey?
Discover where you are and how to move forward in your financial journey. Our MAP is designed to guide you from Financial Scarcity to Financial Abundance.
Formative Years
Birth to age 21 when beliefs about money are formed.
Financial Scarcity
Believes money is real.
Has not learned the 7 Forces of Money Masters.
Financial Overwhelm
Avoids numbers and has not created a Financial Plan with measurable goals.
Building the Foundation
Has begun to implement the 7 Forces of Money Mastery with the 5 Fundamentals of Fiscal Fitness.
Early Accumulation
Net worth is 1-3x annual income.
Rapid Accumulation
Net worth is 4-7x annual income.
Financial Security
Sources of passive income are sufficient to cover 5 essentials of food, clothing, shelter, transportation and health insurance.
Financial Independence
Sources of passive income are sufficient to cover current living expenses. Independent from work.
Financial Freedom
Sources of passive income are sufficient to fund dream lifestyle.
Financial Abundance
More money than you can spend.
Limited Offer!
First 10 sign-ups by September 30, 2024, receive exclusive discount!
How the MAP Guides You to Financial Independence
Using evidence-based strategies and personalized plans, our Massive Action Plan delivers results backed by Nobel Prize-winning sciences in wealth creation and risk management.
  • Delivers a financial and emotional return greater than the cost
  • Moves you towards your goale with the right psychology and the right strategy
  • Build on Nobel prize winning sciences of creating wealth and controlling risk
  • Personalizes the investment solution for your specific goals, risk tolerante and time horizon
  • Offers results coaching wrapped in a fiduciary standard of care
Quick, Safe & Easy - Start Your Journey Today!
First 10 sign-ups by September 30, 2024, receive exclusive discount!
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Bob Schumann and His Clients Featured in Leading Print and Online Publications
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Evidence-Based Solutions with a Personal Touch
Our MAP provides tailored investment solutions and coaching. We move you towards your financial goals with the right strategy and psychology.
©2024 Plan & Act